Board of Directors

It is our administrative body. It is made up of 7 members, elected by the General Shareholders Assembly. Its composition evidences the diversity of their members, both in professional and academic aspects, as well as in personal ones, such as: gender, nationality, age, race, among others, in order to guarantee complementarity of the proposed candidates. The performance assesment mechanisms of the Board of Directors and its support Committees are set forth in article 14 of the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors.

Alberto José Corpeño Posada Non independent member

Appointment date:
Born in San Salvador, El Salvador.

At his 47 years, he is a Bachelor in Business Administration, with 23 years of experience in the commercial area of Super Selectos. Extensive experience in space planning, category management in food, beverages and fresh produce. Specialist in commercial strategy, negotiation with suppliers, supply and profitability.

In accordance with Decree 830 of 2021, he is not considered a politically exposed person (“PEP”).

Alberto Corpeno

Professional experience

  • Category Manager, in Super Selectos

Board of directors/Collegiated bodies

He is not currently member of any Board of Directors. 


Spanish and English